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“El peso de una piedra” (“The Weight of a Stone”) is a video installation made of a series of videos in loop where the visitor finds the montage of a great and crowded funeral in which a dead person is never able to rest in peace. An absurd form of eternity.

3er PREMIO - SALÓN NACIONAL DE ARTES VISUALES 2018, Categoría Instalaciones y Medios Alternativos.

Casa del Bicentenario, Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Museo E. Caraffa, Córdoba argentina. 

MUESTRA COLECTIVA - Cadáveres exquisitos 

BIENAL SUR - Galeria Arte x Arte. Curador: Fernando Farina. Buenos Aires 2019

MUESTRA COLECTIVA - Proyecto defunción del arte, Salamanca, España. 2018

PROYECTOR Festival de Video Arte - Take Away Process contemporary art

MUESTRA INDIVIDUAL - TAE Teatro Argentino de la Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2018.

MUESTRA INDIVIDUAL - El Cultural San Martín. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2017.

Curadora: Malena Souto. Coordinador: Mariano Soto.

Becas a la Creación 2017 – Fondo Nacional de las Artes

THE INVERTED SHADOW. Collective Unconscious in Cinema (2014/2016) 

It is a video installation composed of a multi-screen system where the spectator sees a  large compilation of dreams in movies. Oneiric images of different times and places communicate with each other, inviting visitors to explore and experiencing the world of dreams in film.


Developed by the Fundación Telefónica (coordinators: Rodrigo Alonso and Mariano Sardón).

Has been presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires 2014,

Centro Cultural Haroldo Conti (Buenos Aires)  2015/16, in Parque del Conocimiento (Misiones - Argentina) 2016, in the Teatro Argentino de La Plata (TAE) 2016 and  the 15º Tandil Cine (Buenos aires, 2017).


VJ Perfomance

EL BOLSO MADERO proposes a performative action of music and video improvisation. Through a collection of over 100 images created by the artist Lucas Turturro using AI, scenes from his films, and the tools provided by VJ software, a narrative is built, drawing on what the scenic space and music convey. The same happens with the music and installations by composer Mariano Godoy: they feed off what is happening on the screens and the space generated by the communion between the artists and the audience.


Once the JAM is concluded, the audiovisual material is recorded and preserved in the artists' archive. This material may be exhibited as a video installation or as a music box (a unique, non-serial work).

Cultural San Martin, Buenos Aires 2024.

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, 2024.

Estudios Abdala, cuba 2024.


3 channel video installation, September 2015.

Centro Cultural Recoleta. Buenos Aires.

XV Bienal de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires.

KLÖN Gallery - BAAD


5 channel video installation, 2014.

Installation: Arte x Arte Gallery.  Buenos Aires.

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